Texas Proclamation 2024 adopted courses with 100% TEKs alignment. Learn more here.

Webinars & Workshops

eDynamic Learning offers on-demand and future webinars and workshops. These brief sessions are offered at no cost and offer certificates of completion which often count with districts toward professional development. For more in depth workshops, learn about our professional development workshops.

Webinars and Workshops

On-Demand Webinars

Ask an Expert: Submarine Technology – What Lies Beneath the Waves

Have your students ever wondered what it would be like to build a state-of-the-art submarine? In some careers, this type of exciting, advanced technology and manufacturing is just another day at the office. Tune in to this on-demand webinar to take a deep dive into the careers involved in building submarines. Discover what the responsibilities and essential skills are, and how each role’s unique contributions help shape these powerful vessels.

Whether exploring career options or simply curious about the process, this webinar will offer deep insights into the exciting world of submarine manufacturing. Plus, get an exclusive look at the newest Learning Blade Mission: “Beneath the Waves—Building Submarines.

STEM Success: Engaging Students with Experts

Research shows that introducing students to career options early is vital for their long-term success. Starting career exploration with Learning Blade in middle school helps students discover potential pathways, increasing motivation as they connect their educational experiences to real-world opportunities.

Check out this on-demand webinar where we discuss the potential of STEM careers with three accomplished professionals in a variety of STEM industries.

Career-Connected Learning: Bridging Education and Employment

After graduation, students face an important decision: enter the workforce or pursue further education in college. Regardless of their chosen path, early exposure to career exploration and skill-building is essential to help them navigate the landscape of opportunities and achieve their goals.

To celebrate CTE month, tune in to this eDynamic Learning webinar to hear from passionate educators and industry experts who have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of career connected learning. Learn how these experiences have empowered students to succeed both academically and in life. Our speakers shared their stories, insights, and practical tips for bringing more career-focused opportunities to your students.


From Classroom to Career: Preparing Students for Healthcare’s In-Demand Jobs

Middle and high school educators play a crucial role in preparing students for life after graduation, whether their next step is college or entering the workforce. One of the most in-demand career fields is healthcare, but the path to entering this industry isn’t always straightforward. Watch this webinar recording for details on the Healthcare career cluster and the various pathways to secure a rewarding job in this field. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the career cluster, its potential pathways, and how eDynamic Learning curriculum, simulations, and supplemental resources can help equip your students for success in this growing sector.


On Demand

Career Spotlight: Submarine Technology - What Lies Beneath the Waves

Each career has its own specialties and unique skill sets, but have you ever wondered what the world of submarine technology and manufacturing entails? Tune in to this eDynamic Learning webinar as we take a deep dive into the vast array of careers involved in submarine development. We’ll introduce you to the diverse careers that bring submarines to life—from naval architects and specialized engineers to welders, machinists, and quality control inspectors. Discover their day-to-day responsibilities, essential skills, and how their unique contributions shape these powerful vessels. Whether you’re exploring career options or simply curious about the process, this webinar will offer valuable insights into the exciting world of submarine manufacturing. Plus, get an exclusive look at the new Learning Blade Mission: “Beneath the Waves—Building Submarines.”


On Demand

STEM Education: Building the Workforce of Tomorrow

Join this insightful webinar where we’ll explore the critical role of STEM education in shaping our future workforce. As our economy increasingly relies on a steady supply of STEM-ready employees, it’s essential to introduce students to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) career opportunities early on. By doing so, students can discover high-demand areas that align with their interests and skills, supporting the soaring economic need for STEM professionals.

In this session, you’ll hear from industry experts who have successfully infused curriculum with STEM concepts and have witnessed firsthand the benefits for students. They will share valuable lessons learned, practical tips, and innovative strategies to help you integrate STEM education into your own teaching practices. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can prepare your students for a future in STEM fields.


On Demand

The Importance of Educating Students on the Impact of AI

From the wheel to the printing press and all the way to the internet, we can mark human history through key innovations. Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are another one of those innovations that is currently changing the world. But what exactly is AI and how do we prepare the future generation for the many ways AI will affect our lives?

Tune in to this on-demand webinar to learn the importance of teaching students how AI will impact their futures and strategies for how they can leverage its powers for the better. You’ll also get a sneak peek into a new Learning Blade Intro to AI Module which offers online lessons covering everything you need to introduce middle school students to AI.


On Demand

Empowering Education: Navigating CTE Teacher Shortages

The past few years have been trying on educators. From the Covid-19 pandemic to the increase in digitization, there has been constant change and an increased need to be agile. Now, schools are finding the process of identifying and hiring teachers for CTE subjects to be either cost-prohibitive or proving difficult. It’s times like these where it can be helpful to tap into a partner like eDynamic Learning.

eDynamic Learning provides instructional services: certified teachers, who can provide instruction on the over 250 courses in their catalog, including 46 CTE pathways that prepare students for nearly 100 industry certifications.

Tune into this on-demand webinar to hear personal experiences tapping into instructional services.


On Demand

Strategies for Engaging College Students on Their Journey to Graduation

Embarking on the journey through college can often feel like an uphill climb for both students and professors alike. In this dynamic webinar, we’ll explore innovative approaches to captivate college students’ attention and foster meaningful engagement in their education, while seeing the impact it can have on their future career path.

Tune in to this webinar replay as we delve into practical strategies for bridging the gap between lectures and real-world experience, igniting learners’ interest through gamified experiences, and nurturing the development of lifelong learners. Discover how virtual simulations and interactive games can transform the educational landscape, providing students with valuable skills and insights that they can take into their careers.


On Demand

The Power of Competition: Simulations in the Classroom

Competitions can be a great motivator for students whether against their classmates, against their personal best scores, or in competitions hosted by CTSOs such as DECA and FBLA. Not to mention that practical experience takes the cake as the best way to acquire knowledge and skills. But how can you provide this level of engagement and experience to more than just a handful of high school students? Tune in to this webinar replay to hear from two educators who have been able to engage and motivate their learners while giving them access to invaluable experiences in a no-risk environment to foster learning.


Systematically Driving Career Awareness

​​Recent research by ACTE revealed that middle school is the opportune time for students to derive maximum benefits from career exploration. That’s why we’re brought together educators from around the country to engage in discussions around how they have effectively applied strategies in their schools to help bridge the gap between students’ passion and the possibilities that await them after high school. Tune in to hear the insights they shared!


CTE: The Path to Increase Relevancy in Education

​​To honor Career and Technical Education (CTE) month this February, eDynamic Learning hosted a special session focused on empowering educators to help students uncover their purpose and passions beyond high school. Tune in to this engaging webinar where we discussed the transformative role of digital access and online learning in fostering equity and student engagement.


Strategies to Prepare Students for Industry

Whether students are college-bound or headed directly into the workforce, it’s crucial that we give students the “big picture” so that they can best be set up for future success. In this webinar, we will speak with educators who have uncovered strategies to help students learn valuable job skills before they even receive a high school diploma. We will also explore necessary preparation components such as required education levels, certifications, requirements, and more.

On Demand

The Importance of Accessibility in Career Development Programs

By identifying root causes and casting light on innovative practices used by educators, many middle and high school students can experience an increase in career knowledge and improved access and equity in career exploration and CTE.
In this webinar, we spoke with educators who have found successful strategies to provide career exploration and CTE courses to ALL students regardless of ability and environment.

On Demand

What Employers are Looking For: Critical Interpersonal & Employability Skills

85% of job success comes from having well‐developed interpersonal and employability skills, but these are often under-addressed for a variety of valid reasons. Hear what skills employers are looking for and how educators have found success integrating these skills into their classrooms to help ensure students obtain these skills and know how to use them after high school.

On Demand

Building Partnerships to Deliver Equitable WBL

Transeo & eDynamic Learning

In this webinar, we’ll speak with educators who are building partnerships with business leaders in their community and creating WBL programs that deliver work-based learning opportunities for all.


On Demand

From Paradigm to Pipeline: Connecting Education & Business Like Never Before

eDynamic Learning & Mark C. Perna

Join award-winning author and generational expert Mark C. Perna for an eye-opening discussion on how the world has changed—and how we must change with it. For students to build true life readiness skills, we must shift the college and career readiness (CCR) paradigm of every stakeholder in our communities.


On Demand

Empower, Engage, and Enable Career Exploration: The Power of the Teacher

Mark C. Perna & eDynamic Learning

Join us in this inspirational keynote presentation for the Career Compass Teacher Awards as Mark C. Perna discusses the importance of career exploration and the power of the teacher.


On Demand

Making CTE Accessible for All

Transeo & eDynamic Learning

In this webinar, we’ll explore how critical it is to make CTE programs accessible for ALL students. Students such as those on IEP or 504 plans, who are English language learners, or who may have been a part of the juvenile system, all have unique needs. We’ll discuss strategies that educators and business partners are using to help them achieve their post-secondary goals.


On Demand

Providing Equitable Career Exploration and Program Promotion

Transeo & eDynamic Learning

In this webinar, we’ll explore strategies to expand career exploration efforts to ensure more students have more ways to discover the vast spectrum of career opportunities available for them after high school.

On Demand

The Power of CTE: Shifting Students From Taking Classes to Completing Programs

eDynamic Learning & Mark C. Perna

Join generational expert and bestselling author Mark C. Perna for the latest strategies for CTE leaders to attract and complete more of the right students, in the right programs and pathways, for the right reasons.

On Demand

Webinar Series: Helping Students Graduate Ready

eDynamic Learning & Transeo

We are on a mission to support educators and enable students to discover their skills, passion, and purpose. As part of this mission, we are working with educators that are thinking beyond college and career readiness and helping their students consider what their desired career pathway requires.

On Demand

Webinar Series: Scaling and Optimizing Work-Based Learning

eDynamic Learning & Transeo

Are you looking to increase student participation in your work-based learning (WBL) programs? Are you finding it challenging to build or expand your program? Join our panel of experts to gain a deeper understanding of how educators are innovating to scale and optimize their WBL programs.

On Demand

Webinar Series: Unleashing the Power of Purpose-Driven Career Exploration

eDynamic Learning & Transeo

Behind the skills gap lies an even bigger chasm: the awareness gap. How do we connect students to what’s possible after high school? Join Mark C. Perna, generational expert & award-winning author, to discuss the importance of career exploration starting in middle school.

On Demand

Webinar Series: Meeting the Needs of Perkins V Funding

eDynamic Learning & Transeo

Are you seeking Perkins V funds to grow your CTE program? Join our panel of experienced CTE educators to give advice and help walk through the key areas of Perkins V funding.

On Demand

Streamline Instruction Event

eDynamic Learning

Attend sessions on-demand from our recent Streamline Instruction Professional Development event. Earn certificates of attendance for each session you watch.

On Demand

Set up, Organize, and Manage Class Groups

eDynamic Learning

Have you asked yourself how do you organize and manage groups for different classes or ability levels in your eDynamic Learning Course? In this mini session we will explore how to set up to do this.

On Demand

Reporting: Data is Key to Ensure Success

eDynamic Learning

eDynamic Learning makes retrieving the reports you need easy.

On Demand

Save Time by Setting up Effective Display Options

eDynamic Learning

Are you curious how long your students are working on lessons, assessments and activities? Do you need to know when they logged in or turned work in late? Join us to learn how to set up these features and more!

On Demand

Supporting Diverse Learners (Setting up IEP and 504 Accommodations)

eDynamic Learning

Setting up accommodations for students in your eDL’s Buzz Agilix LMS are just a few clicks away.

On Demand

Best Practices for Grading in the Buzz Agilix LMS

eDynamic Learning

Grading doesn’t have to be a time-consuming chore. Let us share how easy it is to use the Buzz Agilix grading features to make reviewing and documenting grades efficient and effective for both you and your students!

On Demand

Assigning Roles & Permissions

eDynamic Learning

As an administrator for your eDynamic Learning courses, you have the ability to assign specific roles and permissions to your users.


On Demand

Utilizing the Literacy Toolbar and Translations Feature in Your Online Course

eDynamic Learning

Our classes are composed of diverse literacy needs. But supporting the various needs of students in remote learning environments can be challenging. Join us to learn how to decrease student discontent and increase student confidence!


On Demand

Navigating the Teacher-Student Communication in Buzz Agilix LMS

eDynamic Learning

Learn how eDL’s Buzz Agilix LMS offers a streamlined way to communicate with your whole class, groups, and individual students.


On Demand

Blending Online Curriculum with Google Meet

Tyler Tarver
Google Certified Trainer

Tyler shares how to blend Google Meet with the eDynamic Learning course: Learning in a Digital World: Digital Citizenship.

On Demand

Incorporate Your Surveys Into Online Curriculum

Tyler Tarver
Google Certified Trainer

Tyler will share how to create your own surveys into eDynamic Learning online curriculum.


On Demand

Incorporate Your YouTube Videos Into Online Curriculum

Tyler Tarver
Google Certified Trainer

Tyler shares how to incorporate educational videos you find or create into eDynamic Learning online curriculum.

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