Texas Proclamation 2024 adopted courses with 100% TEKs alignment. Learn more here.

Virtual Summit

Supporting High Risk Populations in Earning Credit Success

Supporting High Risk Populations in Earning Credit Success

Learning Session

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This session will cover how eDynamic curriculum is used to help high-risk populations to achieve academic success through eDynamic elective science courses. Not only are students more successful, but they are also introduced to possible career pathways they may not have thought of before. The curriculum courses are so popular they continually ask for more!


JoAnna Nehring
eDCSD Colorado Cyber School, Colorado
Secondary Science Teacher

Ms. JoAnna Nehring has been teaching since 1998. She became a teacher after getting her master’s degree in Environmental resources management. While she did not actually go to school to become a teacher, she ended up loving it while she was a substitute teacher for a month in Plano, Texas while applying for jobs in the environmental field. She figured there is always an educational component to environmental land management. Since then, she has not looked back.

She graduated from Oregon State University with a degree in Biology (marine emphasis) and worked for the National Marine Fisheries Service as a Marine Mammal Observer on tuna boats. She had great opportunities for travel and adventures at sea for 3 years, but when the program was disbanded, she decided to get her MS degree of Science at the Florida Institute of Technology. She fulfills her passion for science everyday as she learns something new from her students and colleagues daily.

JoAnna Nehring

Douglas County School District