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Virtual Summit

Providing Thoughtful Feedback and Extension Activities in Remote Learning Environments

Providing Thoughtful Feedback and Extension Activities in Remote Learning Environments

Learning Session

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One of the hardest parts of being a remote learner is feeling connected to the class and the teacher. To make learners feel more engaged and connected, Mr. Brian Nagy considers not just the content to present, but also the way he interacts with his class. Providing feedback that encourages growth and more attempts, as well as extension activities for remediation helps personalize the experience for students.


Brian Nagy
Nassau BOCES Center for Online Learning, New York
Remote Teacher of Record

A lifelong New Yorker, Mr. Brian Nagy currently teaches a full time remote-only program with NYC Schools that began in September 2019. He teaches forensics (using eDynamic Learning’s Secrets of the Dead) and AP Computer Science Principles. In addition, he has worked with the Nassau BOCES Center for Online Learning since the 2015-2016 school year where all of his courses are structured around eDynamic Learning content. He has worked with students in everything from, forensics and criminology to nursing to game design and 3D modeling. Mr. Nagy’s passions are cooking, baking, and his expanding homebrew setup.

Brian Nagy

Nassau BOCES