Texas Proclamation 2024 adopted courses with 100% TEKs alignment. Learn more here.

Virtual Summit

Personalizing Learning to support student engagement (Student & Teacher Presentation)

Personalizing Learning to support student engagement (Student & Teacher Presentation)

Learning Session

Watch On-Demand

Learn how Kodiak High School students are given creative freedom to demonstrate their learning in a variety of eDynamic learning courses. Students analyze project requirements and are given options as to how they wish to share their learning with others. From traditional presentations, art, music, digital storytelling and even virtual reality, students create a variety of artifacts that showcase their growth. See an actual student example during the session.


Anthony White
Kodiak High School, Alaska
Migrant Education/High School Teacher

Mr. Anthony White is an educator in Kodiak, Alaska, working with students and educators from elementary to high school to effectively navigate an ever-changing technological landscape. His dedication to the teaching profession can be found in four basic commitments:

  1. academic excellence;
  2. the arts;
  3. harnessing the learning potential of technology; and
  4. the development of social, cultural, and personal awareness.

He believes he must leverage technology to provide engaging and powerful learning experiences and content, as well as resources and assessments that measure student achievement in more complete, authentic, and meaningful ways.

Anthony White

Kodiak Island Borough School District

Nicolai Fisher
Student Presenter
