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Virtual Summit

Offering Health Science Internships with Business Partners

Offering Health Science Internships with Business Partners

Learning Session

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Health Science is the first pathway in which school districts typically build work-based learning partnerships. This session will be a brief review of building and managing healthcare partnerships to ensure students earn related industry credentials and are prepared for their future. Learn how Dr. Lazaro Lopez began and then scaled his program to 1500 business partners providing 3000 internships each year. Lessons learned will be shared along with accompanying documents and resources to help get you started.


Ken Broermann, Transeo VP of Sales and Marketing

After spending over a decade as a leader in award-winning organizations supporting students, Ken saw first-hand the problems facing today’s schools and the challenge of preparing students to be work-ready, for post-secondary education, and ultimately, to live a fulfilled life. First as a consultant and now in software, Ken has found avenues to empower schools across America to redefine readiness, so that all students have the opportunity to thrive.

Ken was recognized at PeopleAdmin and PowerSchool for his work helping schools hire top talent, improve their management systems, and perfect their professional learning processes. Now at Transeo, he sees the opportunity to help educators scale work-based learning experiences.

Ken Broermann



Dr. Lazaro Lopez

Dr. Lazaro Lopez serves as Chairman of the Illinois Community College Board and Secretary of the Board of the Partnership for College Completion. Dr. Lopez has been featured in the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Profiles of Change series and was recognized as the 2013 Illinois Principal of the Year for his tenure as Principal of Wheeling High School. As Chairman of the Illinois Community College Board, Dr. Lopez has focused the priorities of the agency on the seamless transition of students from K12 to higher education through career pathways. Currently serving as the Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning at High School District 214 in Arlington Heights, IL, Dr. Lopez oversees all academic programs serving 12,000 students at six comprehensive high schools, each one recognized by U.S. News & World Report as one of “America’s Best High Schools.” High School District 214 has led the national Redefining Ready campaign acknowledging students need to graduate high school with more than just a traditional diploma. As a result, all students at District 214 identify a career pathway of interest, participate in as many as 3,000 internship experiences annually, and earn more than 35,000 early college credits with each graduating class. High School District 214 is known for extensive post secondary, business, and community partnerships, as well as state of the art career classrooms including on-site medical simulation labs, advanced manufacturing facilities, entrepreneurial and IT innovation labs and one of the nation’s first NANO Technology labs. Dr. Lopez serves as an adjunct faculty member in the graduate educational leadership program at Roosevelt University. He speaks statewide and nationally as an advocate for relevancy in schools, business partnerships, and career pathways. Learn more about the principles behind a new vision for high schools in America by reading Partnerships with Promise published in Business Horizon Quarterly, October 2014. Prior to his leadership in education, Dr. Lopez served as a training non-commissioned officer in the U.S. Army, as a small-business owner provided credential training in the environmental industry and served as a corporate trainer for American Airlines. Dr. Lopez earned his Doctorate of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from Aurora University (2010), Master of Arts Degree in Educational Administration from Roosevelt University (2004), and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Communication and English from Illinois State University (1998).

Dr. Lazaro Lopez