Texas Proclamation 2024 adopted courses with 100% TEKs alignment. Learn more here.

Instructional Services for Families

Greenways Academy

Welcome to Greenways Academy, eDynamic Learning’s Award-Winning Online School. Just as each child is special and unique, our curriculum is too.  With nearly 250 career and elective courses, our catalog includes rare course topics such as Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Agriscience, Cybersecurity, Forensics, Game Design, and much more!

Convenient Access. Anytime. Anywhere.
Your child can learn at home, on the road, or anywhere there’s an Internet connection.

eDL Instructional Services for Families

What Makes Greenways Academy Unique

Certified teachers trained in online teaching methods

Intervention Team monitors student progress to ensure academic success

Parents and student receive weekly progress updates

Easy communication options text, sis, email, LMS, call

Personalized instruction designed to meet your child’s individual needs

Office Hours multiple day options by subject

Open Study Hall to provide a supervised study environment

Principal Connection meetings designed for parents to build connections

Advisory/Homeroom lessons incorporate life skills, money matters, SEL and college and career readiness


