Texas Proclamation 2024 adopted courses with 100% TEKs alignment. Learn more here.

Florida Online Course Provider Disclosure Statement

Overview of eDynamic Learning 

eDynamic Learning offers an array of online CTE and elective courses for grades 6-12 with our Instructional Services partner. eDynamic Learning online courses are rooted in research, best practices, and engagement. All eDynamic Learning courses are designed utilizing backward design methodology leveraging Behavioral, Cognitive, and Constructivist learning theories. All courses have been aligned and meet the NSQ Online Course and Florida state standards.

Courses are appropriate for a varied audience – students who attend school full-time and part-time, accelerated students, students-at-risk, and students with various learning needs. Courses are WCAG 2.1AA compliant, allowing any student, including those who may have special visual, auditory, or cognitive needs, access to course content.


Our Instructional Services partner holds accreditations with the NCAA, Cognia, and WASC.

Contact Information 

At the start of the semester, students receive a Welcome Course Package. This includes a course syllabus, grading information, and a pacing guide. Teachers will also send an introduction letter to students via email that includes their background and contact information. Throughout the semester, teachers post weekly announcements, and engage with individual students via email. Teachers will respond within 24 hours of receiving communication.

While courses run asynchronously, teachers keep regular daily hours during all days school is in session. Typically, teachers are available to their students from 8 am – 4 pm EST. Teachers are available for live student instruction and support, which can be scheduled upon request. Teachers also host at least once weekly “office hours” sessions for students. Information regarding date and time will be posted on the teacher profile.

Administrative offices can be reached for information about courses, instructors, or other needed assistance. Email: teacherservices@edynamiclearning.com; Phone: 877-585-2029

Technical support is available Monday to Friday 8:00 am – 7:00 pm CST via email. Additionally, technical support tickets can be filed via a support portal, which is available 24 hours/day. Technical Support

eDynamic Learning’s Head Office is located at 1256 Main Street, Suite 256, Southlake, TX 76092.

Employment – email: careers@greenwaysacademy.com

Instructor Information

All teachers have a minimum of an undergraduate degree in education, or an undergraduate degree in the subject. Many teachers hold advanced degrees. All teachers have teaching experience – a combination of classroom and online instruction. As additional personnel are hired this listing will be updated. All instructors teaching Florida courses will hold the appropriate Florida certification. Florida teacher information, including certification numbers, can be obtained by contacting teacherservices@edynamiclearning.com.

Subject Area Instructor Location Instructor State Certifications
Social Studies Florida Florida
English Florida Florida
Electives Florida Florida
World Languages Florida Florida

Student/Teacher Ratios and Teacher Load
Average student/teacher ratio depends on the type and popularity of the course. Teacher load (max number of students assigned to a teacher): 200:1

FL Course eDL Course Ave # Students per Teacher
American Sign Language 1 American Sign Language 1a/1b 42
American Sign Language 2 American Sign Language 2a/2b 28
American Sign Language 3 Honors American Sign Language 3a/3b 15
Art in World Cultures Art in World Cultures 14
Astronomy Solar/Galactic Astronomy 1a/1b 17
Classical Literature Gothic Literature 12
Classical Literature Mythology and Folklore 12
Coding Fundamentals MS Coding 1a/1b 7
Creative Photography 1 Digital Photography 1a/1b 15
Creative Writing 1 Creative Writing 8
Creative Writing 2 Creative Writing: Unleashing the Core of Your Imagination 8
Culinary Arts 1 Culinary Arts 1a/1b 14
Cybersecurity Essentials Network Security 1a/1b 5
Digital Design 1 Digital Design 1a/1b 6
Early Childhood Education 1 Early Childhood Education 1a/1b 18
Exploration of Health Science Professions MS Exploring Health Science 5
Foundations of Programming Intro to Programming 1a/1b 14
Holocaust Education History of the Holocaust 12
Exploration of Health Science Professions MS Exploring Health Science 5
HOPE Physical Education (Core) Health & Physical Education 1a/1b 17
Intro to Hospitality and Tourism Hospitality & Tourism 1 9
Journalism 1 Journalism 1a/1b 7
Law Studies Law & Order 11
Life Management Skills Life Skills 13
M/J Computer Science Discoveries 2 MS Coding 1a/1b 7
M/J Exploring Music 1 Middle School Exploring Music 16
M/J Photography Middle School Photography 1a/1b 12
Marine Science Marine Science 1a/1b 5
Music of the World Music Appreciation 25
Nutrition and Wellness Nutrition and Wellness 16
Orientation to Career Clusters MS Career Exploration 1 29
Parenting Skills Real World Parenting 15
Holocaust Education History of the Holocaust 12
Personal and Family Finance Personal and Family Finance 30
Personal Finance and Money Management Personal Finance and Money Management New Course
Procedural Programming Programming 2a/2b 4
Psychology 1 Personal Psychology 59
Social Media 1 Social Media 23
Sociology Sociology 1 3
Speech 1 Public Speaking 1a/1b 16
Theater, Cinema, and Film Production Theater, Cinema, and Film Production 1a/1b 13

Student Performance

As online course providers, eDynamic Learning and our instructional services partner are not privy to any given student’s state-administered or nationally standardized summative assessments. Such summative assessments are coordinated, administered and maintained by the student’s Local Education Agency (LEA) or home school district and are not shared or reported to eDynamic Learning or our instructional services partner.

Below are the national course-specific outcomes data for eDynamic Learning courses. A passing grade for the purposes of this report is 60%. Students who did not complete the course are excluded from the Fail figures.

School Years 2022-2023

The Successful Completion Rate for the following eDynamic Learning course data is defined as students who passed the course with a 60% or higher.

FL Course eDL Course Completion Rate Successful Completion Rate
American Sign Language 1 American Sign Language 1a/1b 74% 55%
American Sign Language 2 American Sign Language 2a/2b 61% 80%
American Sign Language 3 Honors American Sign Language 3a/3b 33% 71%
Art in World Cultures Art in World Cultures 39% 36%
Astronomy Solar/Galactic Astronomy 1a/1b 38% 84%
Classical Literature Gothic Literature 43% 65%
Classical Literature Mythology and Folklore 43% 65%
Coding Fundamentals MS Coding 1a/1b 32% 60%
Creative Photography 1 Digital Photography 1a/1b 53% 74%
Creative Writing 1 Creative Writing 50% 55%
Creative Writing 2 Creative Writing: Unleashing the Core of Your Imagination 42% 65%
Culinary Arts 1 Culinary Arts 1a/1b 39% 53%
Cybersecurity Essentials Network Security 1a/1b 53% 100%
Early Childhood Education 1 Early Childhood Education 1a/1b 76% 67%
Exploration of Health Science Professions MS Exploring Health Science 12% 100%
Foundations of Programming Intro to Programming 1a/1b 37% 46%
Holocaust Education History of the Holocaust 54% 66%
HOPE Physical Education (Core) Health & Physical Education 1a/1b 48% 42%
Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Hospitality & Tourism 1 27% 76%
Journalism 1 Journalism 1a/1b 74% 79%
Law Studies Law & Order 70% 68%
Life Management Skills Life Skills 56% 67%
M/J Computer Science Discoveries 2 MS Coding 1a/1b 32% 60%
M/J Exploring Music 1 Middle School Exploring Music 20% 32%
M/J Photography Middle School Photography 1a/1b 17% 67%
Music of the World Music Appreciation 47% 44%
Orientation to Career Clusters MS Career Exploration 1 29% 73%
Parenting Skills Real World Parenting 59% 81%
Personal and Family Finance Personal and Family Finance 42% 74%
Personal Finance and Money Management Personal Finance and Money Management Course not yet released Course not yet released
Procedural Programming Programming 2a/2b 38% 100%
Social Media 1 Social Media 55% 80%
Speech 1 Public Speaking 1a/1b 50% 67%
Theater, Cinema, and Film Production Theater, Cinema, and Film Production 1a/1b 39% 77%

School Year 2023-2024
The Successful Completion Rate for the following eDynamic Learning course data is defined as students who passed the course with a 60% or higher.

FL Course  eDL Course Completion Rate Successful Completion Rate
American Sign Language 1 American Sign Language 1a/1b 50% 79%
American Sign Language 2 American Sign Language 2a/2b 87% 88%
American Sign Language 3 Honors American Sign Language 3a/3b 39% 73%
Art in World Cultures Art in World Cultures 39% 86%
Astronomy Solar/Galactic Astronomy 1a/1b 60% 80%
Classical Literature Gothic Literature 67% 65%
Classical Literature Mythology and Folklore 67% 65%
Coding Fundamentals MS Coding 1a/1b 13% 60%
Creative Photography 1 Digital Photography 1a/1b 49% 74%
Creative Writing 1 Creative Writing 21% 53%
Creative Writing 2 Creative Writing: Unleashing the Core of Your Imagination 26% 68%
Culinary Arts 1 Culinary Arts 1a/1b 59% 52%
Cybersecurity Essentials Network Security 1a/1b 55% 64%
Early Childhood Education 1 Early Childhood Education 1a/1b 59% 69%
Exploration of Health Science Professions MS Exploring Health Science 28% 85%
Foundations of Programming Intro to Programming 1a/1b 39% 56%
Holocaust Education History of the Holocaust 63% 72%
HOPE Physical Education (Core) Health & Physical Education 1a/1b 8% 67%
Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Hospitality & Tourism 1 18% 66%
Journalism 1 Journalism 1a/1b 43% 61%
Law Studies Law & Order 63% 83%
Life Management Skills Life Skills 54% 76%
M/J Computer Science Discoveries 2 MS Coding 1a/1b 13% 60%
M/J Exploring Music 1 Middle School Exploring Music 17% 59%
M/J Photography Middle School Photography 1a/1b 18% 69%
Music of the World Music Appreciation 21% 66%
Orientation to Career Clusters MS Career Exploration 1 48% 82%
Parenting Skills Real World Parenting 49% 69%
Personal and Family Finance Personal and Family Finance 33% 56%
Personal Finance and Money Management Personal Finance and Money Management Course released mid-year Course released mid-year
Procedural Programming Programming 2a/2b 57% 100%
Social Media 1 Social Media 56% 63%
Speech 1 Public Speaking 1a/1b 48% 41%
Theater, Cinema, and Film Production Theater, Cinema, and Film Production 1a/1b 39% 85%

Educator Performance

Each semester, our Instructional Services partner gathers the following feedback about a teacher’s performance:

  • Monitoring courses and outcomes
  • Collecting student/parent/advocate/onsite teacher feedback
  • Reviewing teacher comments on students’ assignments (without violating FERPA)
  • Evaluating average student performance per course
  • Interacting with the teacher
  • Gathering feedback from the teacher’s manager at Greenways/EdL

Results from the feedback form the teacher’s Performance Appraisal. Our Instructional Services partner may assign one of the following categories –

  • Exceeds expectations
  • Meets expectations
  • Does not meet expectations

Any teacher who falls into the “does not meet expectations” category will be placed on a Performance Improvement Plan for the next semester.

Nonsectarian and Anti-Discrimination Policies

eDynamic Learning is nonsectarian in its courses, enrollment policies, employment practices, and operations. eDynamic Learning is not affiliated with any particular religious or political group.

eDynamic Learning operates without regard to student or employee race, sex, nationality or ethnic origin, religion, age, marital or family status, sexual orientation, ancestry, political beliefs, pregnancy, disability/impairment, gender identity or expression, or any other ground that is in violation of the law. No person shall be restricted access to, excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any eDynamic Learning course, program, or activity, or in any employment conditions or practices.

eDynamic Learning course content is regularly reviewed to ensure the language and topics are sensitive and appropriate for all learners. We employ an external diversity/sensitivity editorial organization to review our lessons, images, and assessments to identify potential bias, stereotypes, and inauthenticity. This editorial group assigns readers to review material from the perspective of their own lived experiences. Depending on the subject matter, the diversity readers assist with identifying potentially insensitive language, and we adjust and update if needed, prior to release. Readers look for content related to:

  • Adoptions
  • Addictions
  • Ageism
  • Animal violence, death
  • Death attitudes, end-of-life care
  • Domestic violence
  • Ethnicity and race
  • Feminism
  • Gender Issues
  • Body image, eating disorders
  • Bullying, cyberbullying
  • Gender issues
  • Generational issues
  • Immigrant culture
  • Indigenous cultures
  • Mental illness, disorders
  • Class, socioeconomic, and poverty-issues
  • Culture
  • Physical illnesses, disabilities
  • Regionalism
  • Religion
  • Tokenism

Student Honor Code Pledge
Students are asked to sign the Student Honor Code. The information is found in the How to Be Successful in an eDL Course page within the Getting Started: For Students section.

I will practice honesty in my work by pledging to:

  • Act with integrity.
  • Submit original ideas, work, and answers without help, unless granted permission.
  • Document ideas that are not my own by citing sources with footnotes or endnotes and in a bibliography.
  • Use quotations for statements made by others thereby avoiding plagiarism.
  • Prevent sharing or posting any eDynamic Learning copyrighted materials anywhere.
  • Demonstrate respect for all those involved in my learning process.
  • Maintain a courteous tone in all communications with teachers, peers, and others involved in my education.
  • Contribute to the creation of an excellent learning environment.


Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Disclosures
eDynamic Learning ensures that its employment practices comply with anti-discrimination provisions of Section 1000.05 Florida statues along with any federal laws regarding EEO and Affirmative Action.

To be eligible for employment a candidate must:

  • Submit a completed application
  • Provide certified college transcripts for all degrees conferred
  • Provide copies of college diplomas for all degrees conferred
  • Possess a current and valid Florida Educator’s Certificate
  • Be eligible for employment in the United States and submit original documentation sufficient for employer to complete a Department of Homeland Security, US Citizenship and Immigration Services I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification
  • Submit for fingerprinting within a specified period of time, fingerprint clearance is required for employment

Florida Statewide Assessment Program
eDynamic Learning does not offer courses that require Florida State end-of-course exams and does not administer these assessments. Students should coordinate their testing locations, dates, and times with their home school district. Additional information can be found using this link, Information for Florida Families.

FERPA Information
To provide Teacher as a Service offering or any other instructional services, eDynamic Learning and its trusted partners need to access, store, and process certain student personally identifiable information (PII). Student PII includes student names, academic performance in the course, and other information that is necessary to perform teaching service and related reporting. Student PII is only used for legitimate educational purposes, under “school official” exemption to FERPA. eDynamic Learning never sells, discloses, or uses student PII for sales, marketing, or other purposes, except what is reasonably necessary to provide the teaching service. School district remains in control over all student PII and can request review or removal of any student record as required.

Privacy Policy eDynamic Learning Privacy Policy