Texas Proclamation 2024 adopted courses with 100% TEKs alignment. Learn more here.

Employability Skills Development

We are in an age where soft skills, or employability skills, are increasingly a competitive advantage. “[Those] who develop and increase their human, or ‘soft’, skills could see their income grow twice as fast due to the rising need for capabilities such as customer service, digital literacy and time management,” according to a 2019 study by Deloitte Access Economics and DeakinCo.- Premium Skills.

eDynamic Learning strives to provide the robust set of instructional resources educators need to support students’ employability skills development.

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Helpful Resources

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[Blog Post] Greatest Factor in Job Success: Soft Skills

On Demand

[Webinar] Connecting Business and Education

On Demand

[Webinar] What Employers are Looking for Critical Interpersonal and Employability Skills

Integrating Soft Skills Development into Career Education

In a research study conducted by Harvard University in conjunction with the Carnegie Foundation and Stanford Research Center, it was found that 85% of job success comes from having well‐developed soft and people skills, and only 15% of job success comes from technical skills and knowledge (hard skills).

Embedded in CTE Curriculum

Digital Curriculum from eDynamic Learning embeds employability skills development into all of our courses. Our library of CTE pathways provides the depth and breadth of curriculum you need for your programs of study. With our Career Ready Program, you can support over 43 pathways, leading to nearly 100 industry-recognized certifications. Additionally, our award-winning curriculum provides a consistent, best-in-class instructional framework and up-to-date content, with the tools and support teachers and students can use to thrive.

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Virtual Internship Program

Designed as a year-long program, our Virtual Internship Program prepares students for the workplace through employability skills development and career planning in semester one. Then it gives students experience managing all aspects of how a business runs in our virtual business simulations in semester two. Built in partnership with business experts, these simulations provide students with a no-risk environment to gain real work experience. Finally, the program finishes with an end-of-year capstone project.

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Preparing Students for the Workplace or an Internship

EDL340 eDynamic Learning Workplace & Internship Readiness Course

Workplace & Internship Readiness: Preparing for Work & Life

Starting your first “real” job can be intimidating. But when you know what to expect and learn how to be successful, you’ll feel confident about the hiring process and prepared to put yourself out there! Discover how to build a well-rounded set of employability and personal leadership skills that allow you to guide your own career. Learn how to communicate with others, take initiative, set goals, problem-solve, research different career options, and envision your own personal career path. Get ready to create a powerful launching pad that will help you blast off into a great first job experience!

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Supporting Your Initiatives

Career & Technical Education (CTE)

Career Exploration

Work-Based Learning (WBL)

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