Texas Proclamation 2024 adopted courses with 100% TEKs alignment. Learn more here.

Comprehensive Curriculum for Student Success

Unlock the potential of your students with eDynamic Learning’s Digital Curriculum. We are the largest publisher of CTE and elective digital curriculum in North America, offering over 270 courses for grades 6-12. Our courses are developed in-house by teachers and subject matter experts, making curriculum implementation easier for educators. We provide the necessary resources, professional development options, and student-centered tools to ensure success.

We are committed to providing an equitable and accessible curriculum, ensuring that every student is prepared for college or the workforce.

With our Career Ready Program, we go beyond academics and support students in achieving nearly 100 industry-recognized certifications. Discover how eDynamic Learning’s Digital Curriculum can be a partner in empowering your students to achieve their dreams.

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Middle School

High School Electives

High School Career & CTE


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Consistent, Award-Winning Instructional Framework

At eDynamic Learning, all of our courses are developed in-house by teachers and subject matter experts offering one consistent and simplistic design and interface. Each course is designed and written with engaging curriculum narratives that employs backwards design methodology to support best practices on how today’s students learn. Each lesson is chunked into bite-sized pieces of text with the integration of visuals to keep students engaged. You can also customize course units and lessons allowing you to personalize your instruction.

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Flexible Licensing & Implementation

Our digital curriculum licensing and implementation options are simple and flexible, making it easy for districts, schools, and educational organizations to get up and running quickly and effectively to meet the needs of your initiatives and programs. eDynamic Learning curriculum is used in a variety of online and blended learning models, runs on all technology platforms and devices and is compatible with nearly all LMS systems.

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Flexible Options


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Onboarding & Professional Development

As a teacher-founded company, our mission at eDynamic Learning is to partner with you to ensure you get the most important ROI — your Return on Instruction. We provide personalized professional development experiences to ensure you are equipped with the most relevant, research-based, teaching methods and strategies. Depending on the extent of your implementation, we’ll customize your onboarding to get you up and running thoughtfully yet with a sense of urgency based on your goals and requirements.

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Technical & Accessibility Specifications

Built to be an LMS agnostic solution, we can find the right implementation solution for you. eDynamic Learning’s flexible course curriculum is compatible with nearly all Learning Management Systems. And if you don’t have an LMS, we can provide one for you. Our courses are responsively designed and run on all technology platforms and devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and Chromebooks. And to ensure equity and access our curriculum is WCAG 2.0 AA compliant.

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Flexible Options

Career Ready Program

Industry certifications help students prepare for careers in high-demand and high-wage occupations, such as IT, Healthcare, and Business.

The eDynamic Learning Career Ready Program offers high school students sequenced learning tracks aligned to national and examination standards. These tracks put students on a path to obtain industry certifications, prepare them for employment, and identify the next steps in their career journey.

How It Works

Healthcare Courses

Having a system that is easy to work with and can adapt to the specific needs of a class is invaluable. I work with a number of students who have learning disabilities and special needs. I worked with our Parish online program director, our eDynamic Learning representative, and special education teachers to formulate a plan to accommodate those students so that we could facilitate their learning while setting them up for success. We worked on a plan to modify assignments and oriented observers that could assist the students. This has resulted in faster evaluation of work submitted and better communication between the instructor, observers, and students. The success rate of the students has increased significantly since this collaboration.

Regina Smart, Agriscience Teacher

Westlake High School and Lake Charles Boston Academy, Louisiana

Supporting Your Initiatives

Equity & Access

Industry Certifications

Career & Technical Education

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