White Paper
Exploring the Lasting Impact of DECA and the Virtual Business Challenge
Knowledge Matters, an eDynamic Learning company, is the leader in virtual experiential learning for high schoolers. These visual simulations compress years of experience into hours and days, appealing to students and teachers as a more effective tool in achieving useful skill development.
DECA partners with Knowledge Matters to utilize these simulations in a variety of ways, including virtual challenges and competitions to provide students real-world experiences in a risk-free environment.
To gather feedback on how Knowledge Matters and the Virtual Business challenge impacted students journey’s and career paths after high school we interviewed seven former students involved in DECA. In this white paper you’ll learn how their participation positively impacted their post-graduation plans, and for some, even changed their career trajectory.
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“The ability to keep students engaged in content that they are interested in, through [Knowledge Matters] simulations, is the key competitive advantage our program offers students.”
Summer Highfill
Oregon Charter Academy
Mill City, OR
“If you’re a teacher and you use any kind of educational software, you can pick this up really easily. Grading is a breeze with this. And the fact that the program grades for me gives me time to focus on other things – like improving my teaching methods, reading up on financial literacy topics, and spending more time with my students. I don’t teach a textbook-y generation, you know? The Knowledge Matters sims fit into the teen culture. They make learning fun for the students, which obviously makes it even more fun for me.”
Gerri Kimble
Hoover High School
Hoover, AL
“I am always available as a kind of coach, but how fast each student progresses really depends on his or her own abilities. That, to me, is one of Knowledge Matters’ greatest benefits. I think we’re starting to see a return to reality-based teaching of job skills, but this time by using technology to simulate real-world Situations.”
John Prchal
Harrell Accelerated Learning Center
Wichita Falls, TX
Learn More about eDynamic Learning
eDynamic Learning is the largest publisher of career and technical education (CTE) and elective courses in North America offering over 250 courses for middle and high schools. Student’s consistently rank courses 4 out of 5 stars.