Mission: Fresh Food
In this mission students consider methods to increase production of local foods in a community.
With Learning Blade you can easily integrate STEM, CS, and CTE concepts into a child’s education. Appropriate for grades 5-9, Learning Blade provides Fresh Food and 12 additional missions that contextualize learning and engage all students, including underrepresented and special populations, while reinforcing academic standards. Each of our lessons and resources is indexed so you can see what state standards are being met.
Exploring careers and technologies lessons in the specific contexts of science, math, English and social studies, Learning Blade provides the perfect supplemental materials to integrate STEM, CS, and CTE into core courses or be used as a stand alone program (implemented before school, after school, through the counselors office, and more).
Careers and Technologies Explored
Career Lessons
Agricultural Engineer
- By the Light of the Moon (Social Studies)
- Grinding the Grain (Science)
- *Growing Green (English)
- Why Waste Energy? (Math)
- *Agricultural Engineers Help Feed the World (Video)
- *Around the Ground Crop Rotation (Science)
- Criss Cross Hybrid Crops (Social Studies)
- A Day in the Life of Agronomist (English)
- Time is Money (Math)
- *Agronomists Make Food Better (Video)
Food Assurance Technician
- Better Building Blocks (Science)
- It’s Found in Food (Social Studies)
- Making the Right Choice (English)
- *You Are What You Eat (Math)
- *Food Assurance Technicians Keep Us Healthy and Safe (Video)
- Finding Your Fit (Social Studies)
- Microbes and Disease – The Study of Microbiology (Science)
- Tiny Dangers – To Eat or Not to Eat (Math)
- *When Food Goes Bad (English)
- *Microbiologists Focus on the Details (Video)
- Antibiotics in Livestock (English)
- *A Day in the Life of a Large Animal Vet (Social Studies)
- Getting it Right – Caring for Large Animals (Math)
- Health Benefits of Humane Animal Treatment (Science)
- *Veterinarians Care for Our Animal Friends (Video)
*This lesson is in the Express version of this mission.
Technology Lessons
Farming Equipment
- *A Day to Pick a Day to Plant (English)
- From Farm to Glass (Science)
- My Tractor My Friend (Social Studies)
- Water Your Work (Math)
- *Building a Hydroponic Garden (Math)
- Explaining Hydroponics (Science)
- Growing Our Lunch (English)
- History of Hydroponics and Its Benefits (Social Studies)
Living Livestock
- *Farm Fresh Fish (Science)
- Free the Beef (Social Studies)
- Room to Farm (Math)
- The Food that Moos (English)
Improving Crop Yield
- Composting (Social Studies)
- Growing Needs (Math)
- Jack and the Beanstalk (Science)
- *Pesticide Use – Advantages and Disadvantages (English)
Organic Farming Methods
- Designer Plants – Plant Genetics (Science)
- *Entomologists – A Ladybugs Best Friend (Social Studies)
- Maximum Efficiency, Minimum Space (Math)
- Organic Food Argument (English)
*This lesson is in the Express version of this mission.