Mission: Entrepreneurship
In this mission students will set up a new business focused on entrepreneurship.
With Learning Blade you can easily integrate STEM, CS, and CTE concepts into a child’s education. Appropriate for grades 5-9, Learning Blade provides Entrepreneurship and 12 additional missions that contextualize learning and engage all students, including underrepresented and special populations, while reinforcing academic standards. Each of our lessons and resources is indexed so you can see what state standards are being met.
Exploring careers and technologies lessons in the specific contexts of science, math, English and social studies, Learning Blade provides the perfect supplemental materials to integrate STEM, CS, and CTE into core courses or be used as a stand alone program (implemented before school, after school, through the counselors office, and more).
Careers and Technologies Explored
Career Lessons
- Account for This (Social Studies)
- Count on This (Math)
- Is This the Best Way? (English)
- *Just Graph It (Science)
- *Accountants Monitor the Bottom Line (Video)
Business Consultant
- *Is Your Plan Ready? (English)
- Looking at Finances (Math)
- Management Principles (Social Studies)
- Systematically Scientific Problem Solving (Science)
- *Business Consultants Provide Leadership (Video)
Data Scientist
- AI vs. IQ (English)
- *Female Firsts in Computer Engineering (Social Studies)
- It’s All in the Stats (Math)
- Minig For More Than Gold (Science)
- *Data Scientists are Statisticians (Video)
Industrial Engineer
- Control It (Science)
- Maximize This (English)
- What Does It Cost (Math)
- *What is an Industrial Engineer? (Social Studies)
- *Industrial Engineers Sees the Big Picture (Video)
- *Stock Equity of Cash (Social Studies)
- The Science of Investing (Science)
- What are Stocks? (Social Studies)
- Which Investor? (English)
- *Investors Manage Vital Resources (Video)
*This lesson is in the Express version of this mission.
Technology Lessons
3D Printing
- 3D Printing is the Latest Form of Additive Manufacturing (Social Studies)
- A Day in the Life of a 3D Printing Technician (English)
- *A World od 3D Printing Options (Science)
- Making Models – Printing 3D Objects (Math)
- Are You a Target? (Social Studies)
- Breaking the Language (English)
- The Business of Security (Science)
- *The Math of Security (Math)
- Find the Information (Math)
- Getting Information Efficiently (Science)
- Really Amazing Data (Social Studies)
- *Store This (English)
Business Software
- A Proposal: Using Words – Creating Action (English)
- *Mean, Median, and More in Spreadsheets (Math)
- Typewriters to Word Processors (Social Studies)
- Green in the Office (Science)
- *Plan the Space (Math)
- The 9 to 5…Does It Still Work? (Social Studies)
- Where Do We Work? (Math)
*This lesson is in the Express version of this mission.