Mission: Car Manufacturing
In this mission students explore and use modern manufacturing techniques to design and build new concept cars.
With Learning Blade you can easily integrate STEM, CS, and CTE concepts into a child’s education. Appropriate for grades 5-9, Learning Blade provides Car Manufacturing and 12 additional missions that contextualize learning and engage all students, including underrepresented and special populations, while reinforcing academic standards. Each of our lessons and resources is indexed so you can see what state standards are being met.
Exploring careers and technologies lessons in the specific contexts of science, math, English and social studies, Learning Blade provides the perfect supplemental materials to integrate STEM, CS, and CTE into core courses or be used as a stand alone program (implemented before school, after school, through the counselors office, and more).
Careers and Technologies Explored
Career Lessons
Automotive Designer
- *Groundbreaking Design (Social Studies)
- If You Can Dream It (English)
- Making It Go – How an Engine Works (Science)
- The Great Shape-Up (Math)
- *Automotive Designers Invent the Future of Transportation (Video)
Manufacturing Technician
- *Communication in Manufacturing (English)
- Get It Right – Calibration (Science)
- Meeting Demand (Math)
- Quality Assurance (Social Studies)
- *Learning About a Manufacturing Technician (Video)
Mechanical Drafter
- *Aerodynamics in Action (Science)
- From the Page to the Track (Social Studies)
- Reality – The Simulation (English)
- The Magic Number (Math)
- *Mechanical Drafters Work Through the Details (Video)
Safety Administrator
- Anatomy of an Accident (Science)
- Crash Test Dummies (English)
- *Roof Strength Test (Math)
- Safety in the Factory (Social Studies)
- *Safety Administrator Keeps You Safe (Video)
- *Arcs to Sparks (Science)
- Artistic License (English)
- The Cost of Design (Math)
- Forging Ahead (Social Studies)
- *Welders Assemble Our World (Video)
*This lesson is in the Express version of this mission.
Technology Lessons
Assembly Lines
- Assembly Lines and the Industrial Revolution (Social Studies)
- Making Your Quota (Math)
- Control It (Science)
- *Assemble Something Different (English)
Automation Mechatronics
- Digital Decision Making (Math)
- Jack of All Trades (English)
- *Real Life Autobots (Science)
- Why Now for Mechatronics? (Social Studies)
Innovative Materials
- Fabric 2.0 (English)
- *Rubber Meets the Road (Social Studies)
- Unbreakable (Science)
- Wear and Tear (Math)
Paint Technology
- *By the Bucket (Math)
- Color Your World (English)
- Perfect Coat (Science)
- Rust and Society (Social Studies)
Test Track
- *Design Matters (Science)
- Length vs Speed (Math)
- Start Your Engines (English)
- Test Track Disney Style (Social Studies)
*This lesson is in the Express version of this mission.