Explore. Engage. Experience. / Activity: Stress Management and Wellness Plan
Activity: Stress Management and Wellness Plan

Activity: Stress Management and Wellness Plan

April 1, 2020

The following activity is part of our 14-day #eDLProjectShare series. The activity is extracted and modified from our high school, Health Science Foundations 1a: Introduction course, Unit 5: Health and Wellness.



  1. Complete the following activity. Use the rubric located below the activity to assess how you are completing each of the required components.
  2. (Optional): Feel free to share your project progress or the final project with a short video or picture on Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #eDLProjectShare @eDynamicLearning. *If you are under 18, you must have your teacher or parent or guardian’s permission to post. 
  3. (Optional): For teachers and parents looking to use as a graded activity, a rubric worth 15 points is located at the bottom of the activity.

Download the Activity Lesson


Activity: Stress Management and Wellness Plan

It’s time to put your knowledge to work to help you create a wellness and stress management plan that will work for you. This will require that you think deeply about yourself and your habits and be willing to be honest about the areas that you can improve on. For each item on the list, rate where you are at today on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being terrific and 1 being needs work. Make sure to include details of each item in the “notes” column. Here, you can note things that you already do to take care of yourself, or you can detail an action you plan to take to address this item.


eDynamic Learning Health Science Activity Table 1

eDynamic Learning Health Science Activity Table 2

eDynamic Learning Health Science Activity Table 3



eDynamic Learning Health Foundations Activity Rubric