Activity: Photography Projects
April 4, 2020The following activity is part of our 14-day #eDLProjectShare series. The activity is extracted from our Middle School Photography: Drawing with Light course / Unit 2: Meeting Your Camera.
- Complete the following activity. Use the rubric located below the activity to assess how you are completing each of the required components.
- (Optional): Feel free to share your project progress or the final project with a short video or picture on Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #eDLProjectShare @eDynamicLearning. *If you are under 18, you must have your teacher or parent or guardian’s permission to post.
- (Optional): For teachers and parents looking to use as a graded activity, a rubric worth 15 points is located at the bottom of the activity.
Project 1: Telling Your Daily Story
Photographers often try to tell stories within their photographs. Choose one day and document your day through photographs. All of the photographs should be taken within a single day. From the photographs that you take, choose 5 images that you feel best help you tell the story of your day.
Create a presentation of your day using any presentation computer program (like PowerPoint). Insert the photographs and write a story about your day, using the photographs as a visual aid to your story. For example, you might include some of your activities, places you visited, or the people that you met.
Project 2: Object Perspectives
Sometimes photographers take pictures of common, everyday objects, but find creative ways to photograph them. In this project, you’ll need to think outside the box. Choose one everyday object that you are familiar with. Photograph this object in as many ways as you can think of. Try different perspectives, different parts of the object, and other non-traditional ways of photographing the object.
Select five photographs that show your creative approach to photographing this everyday object. Insert the photographs into a word processing file and answer the following questions in complete sentences:
- What everyday object did you photograph?
- What can help you “think outside the box” when you photograph?