10 Benefits of Adopting a Digital Textbook

10 Benefits of Adopting a Digital Textbook

Adopting a digital textbook curriculum comes with numerous benefits that a print version can’t provide.  It doesn’t require teachers to teach differently, but it can put precious time back in their daily lives to allow them to get to know their students’ interests and meet their individual needs.  And when teachers have to leave for the day or are out sick, creating lesson plans is the last thing they want to do.  Luckily, with a digital curriculum they’re covered!

Let’s discuss 10 reasons why digital is better than print.

1) Make the Most of Your Technology Investment

If there is one positive benefit from the pandemic, it provided schools more funding opportunities to purchase technology to support students remotely.  However, many schools found that they did not have adequate time to prepare, even with 1:1 devices.  Without a textbook replacement and professional development support for teachers, it was most likely a difficult and painful year.  With a complete digital curriculum for schools this year, teachers will have the foundational content they need to find success, customize it to make it their own, and keep students on track no matter what the circumstance.  

With mobile technology:

      • You’ll never hear, “I left my book at school or I lost my homework.”
      • Sick, injured, or traveling students can continue working and stay on top of their studies. 
      • You can keep learning continuous even during severe weather, a natural disaster, or absences due to illness. 
      • Students are digital natives and can get up and running quickly.

2) Prevent Back Injuries

Textbooks are getting bigger and heavier all the time.  For students who have seven class periods and bring their lunch to school, lugging around a heavy backpack can do serious damage to their body.  The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that a backpack weigh no more than 10 to 15 percent of a person’s body weight. Backpacks that are too heavy can cause pain, lead to serious injury, and affect posture.

Heavy Textbooks

3) Teach Updated and Relevant Content

When history changes or new discoveries are found, textbooks become outdated and inaccurate.  In fact, revisions to textbooks can often take 3-5 years. eDynamic Learning’s curriculum is developed in-house, enabling us to make immediate updates so content is current with the latest news and information.  Our curriculum is also reviewed by an external diversity/sensitivity editorial organization to ensure the language and topics are sensitive and appropriate for all learners.

4) Gain Key Insights in Performance and Challenges 

One of the hardest things to manage as a secondary teacher is understanding where your students struggle, as they often will keep this information to themselves.  Middle and high school students are less inclined to ask questions in class or tell you when something is wrong.  A digital textbook provides many opportunities for you to get to know your students better:

      • Our data dashboard gives key insights where students are struggling, need remediation, or acceleration.
      • Students may be more willing to share and open up around their peers.
      • Students are more inclined to communicate on a digital platform and share how they are feeling.
      • You can see how long your students are actively working.

5) Save Time and Money

As teachers, it seems as if we never have enough hours in the day to get everything done.  A digital curriculum allows teachers to use time more efficiently, provide timely feedback, and take time off when necessary.  

With a digital curriculum, teachers will identify learning challenges sooner and won’t need to:

        • grade paper-based worksheets, since digital grading saves time 
        • create substitute lesson plans when sick or out for the day
        • delay in providing student feedback to reinforce and remediate

Many schools also spend a lot of money on paper and ink. With a digital textbook, all communication and work is completed in the online platform.  This allows you to spend money on other materials, support the planet, and streamline communication between students, teachers, and parents.

6) Offer an Interactive and Multimodal Experience

There are many students who dread opening up a textbook and reading assignments.  But students who have access to a digital curriculum appreciate the ability to interact with the instructional materials and make choices to learn the content in a variety of ways. 

A digital textbook:

      • Breaks up the text with visuals and videos that reinforce the content
      • Allows more small group and 1:1 time with their teacher
      • Prevents passive learning
      • Enables students to go deeper on concepts they find challenging
      • Reinforces reading through read-aloud options or podcasts

7) Promote Collaboration and Study Skills

Having the ability for students to interact with lessons and peers allows schools to make the most of technology for teaching and learning.  

A digital textbook offers:

      • Interactive flashcards
      • Definitions and pictures for vocabulary or difficult words 
      • Highlighting feature to capture study notes
      • Online discussions or group projects with peers
      • “Check for knowledge” questions prior to assessments

teacher and pupil working together

8) Support Student Learning Needs

When a teacher is not available or students are working independently, having access to a variety of support tools can ensure students stay on track and avoid loss of learning.  

Digital curriculum can provide:

  • Language translations for English Language Learners (ELL)
  • Literacy tools for reading challenges or disabilities
  • Accommodations to support IEP/504 plans 
  • WCAG 2.0AA compliance (508 requirement):
    • Responsively designed to work on all devices, including cell phones
    • Support for the hearing or visually impaired
    • Text is readable by screen reader tools such as JAWS or NVDA 
    • Offers captions and/or transcripts for audio and video clips

wcag toolbar

9) Customize the Curriculum To Personalize Instruction

eDynamic Learning provides a strong foundation of content for teaching and learning and also gives teachers the ability to customize it by incorporating their favorite lessons and activities.  Teachers can easily add:

  • Videos 
  • Documents
  • Images
  • Links
  • Other media elements

10) Develop Technology and Digital Literacy Skills

Helping students prepare for their future is one of the most important things we can do as educators.  Most students will likely use technology in their profession, so it is essential they practice keyboarding, research, and communication skills to be effective in a variety of career fields.  In addition, if they go onto college, most will have an online course requirement and  it would be beneficial if they have prior experience.  A digital curriculum will enable students to strengthen skills such as:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication 
  • Creativity
  • Problem solving
  • Collaboration
  • Self-direction

eDynamic Learning’s digital curriculum is research-based, developed in-house by teachers, and offers the flexibility to make it your own.  Schools use our curriculum to support any instructional model whether in person, in a blended learning environment, or fully online. 

As a teacher-founded company, we delight in supporting teachers with the highest quality curriculum and superior customer support. Hear how teachers are using the eDynamic Learning digital curriculum and the impact it has made in their lives, and the lives of their students.

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